In the natural world, I bear witness to a seemingly endless struggle: one of life and death, hope and despair, damage and healing. In crisis, I developed a heightened awareness of my own thoughts and feelings. I seek to bring that awareness with me wherever I go. With the clarity I have gained, I see my own inner turmoil reflected everywhere around me. The chaotic world in which we live is full of disquiet, transience, and uncertainty, but at the same time there are moments of grace, silence, and peace. Trees that have spent decades rising above their humble beginnings must contend with the forces trying to pull them down. The rock that forms the base of the earth’s surface stands motionless, at the cost of being scarred and eroded. The water that grants life can easily smother it with cold dispassion. I can only gaze upon these happenings for the briefest moment, and I feel an irresistible compulsion to capture that moment, chemically preserving an image of its existence on film and paper. Everything I see, I know I might never see again.

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